Alexandre Varille Mars 12, 1909 - November 1, 1951

During his studies, his professor of Egyptology Victor Loret at the University of Lyon passed on his passion for Egyptian archeology. Varille began working in Egypt in 1931 and the following year he was a member of the French Institute of Oriental Archeology in Cairo. From 1940 to 1943 he also conducted excavations in the Karnak Temple. It was there that he met René A. Schwaller de Lubicz. This meeting will be decisive, because he rallies him to his group of symbolist Egyptology. It allows him to have a new philological and esoteric vision of the hieroglyphic language in the purest tradition of traditional knowledge and that of Clement of Alexandria. After a very rich collaboration with Aor, Alexarille died in a car accident in 1951. READ MORE…
Texte inédit d'Alexandre Varille.
Alexandre Varille écrivit Quelques caractéristiques du Temple pharaonique le 1er Décembre 1945 ; l’Imprimerie Schindler au Caire l’a-t-elle publié ? Une maquette d’épreuves photographiques, nous est parvenue grâce à la vigilance de Lucie Lamy, présentée dans une jolie reliure bleue ciel. Nous avons publié à l’identique de l’édition de 1946 dans notre ouvrage "LA VOIE SACRÉE, Initiation à l'Ésotérisme du Temple Égyptien", aux Éditions KEMAT 2019, disponible sur ce site.