Jeanne Germain-Lamy met Aor at the Theosophical Society in Paris in 1913 and co-founded with him and many personalities the "Watchers Group" in 1920. She became "Jeanne le Veilleur". The nomen mysticum "ISHA" was his distinctive title. She had a gift that could be described as paranormal. She was the feminine intuition raised to its highest degree and "AOR" often repeated : "She was never mistaken about the motivations of those who approached us, she always sensed whether they would be favorable or hostile to us".
Amma (Renée Foatelli) led a sacred dance school and collaborated with ISHA in the Institute of Eurythmy managed by Dr. Thiers. Then when Suhalia was created in 1922 in Switzerland, Isha imposed the Dalcrose method which was not the choice of Amma. It took them away from each other for a moment, but everything worked out fraternally…

ISHA had a very cheerful temper, then in a moment she became taciturn. This changing mood was the result of her extreme sensitivity, as she often had flashes of lucidity about future or situations. AOR was very attentive to her remarks, especially when he noticed that they came from the Intelligence of the Heart. He called it "confondement". That establishes another relation to time and space foreign to our conception which makes it possible to free oneself from the domination of the Lion, that is to say from all that makes us prisoner of this space and this time. Isha showed to AOR how to read hieroglyphs so that abscond sentences suddenly take on a different meaning.
ISHA had a very cheerful temper, then in a moment she became taciturn. This changing mood was the result of her extreme sensitivity, as she often had flashes of lucidity about future or situations. AOR was very attentive to her remarks, especially when he noticed that they came from the Intelligence of the Heart. He called it "confondement". That establishes another relation to time and space foreign to our conception which makes it possible to free oneself from the domination of the Lion, that is to say from all that makes us prisoner of this space and this time. Isha showed to AOR how to read hieroglyphs so that abscond sentences suddenly take on a different meaning.
In Luxor, she gave courses in hieroglyphs. She has always loved to transmit and especially to awaken consciences. In her teaching, she was sometimes severe, but just as a good pedagogue who wants to encourage her students to make better progress.
It was not strictly speaking a matter of translating the stelae in a purely literal sense (although she knew perfectly well how to do it), but of discovering the real value of the words of the semantics of which they were carriers. This means that the spirit of ISHA was entering writing, no longer signs, but living images that livened up on the stone. For a Western mind, it is difficult to read this writing because of the variety of meanings that each hieroglyphic character can take. AOR had previously tried to classify the determinatives, but the result was not encouraging. It was ISHA who gave him the key to a method of reading, using "the weight of words" and their place in a sentence. Charles Kuentz, Director of the IFAO Library, Professor of Arabic in Cairo University and member of the Luxor Group, optimized this system with his skills in Ancient Egyptian and Coptic.
ISHA was totally devoted to AOR and her life only made sense next to him. There was such a fusion of soul and heart between them that words were superfluous. They did not need to talk to each other to understand each other. They had reached the degree of "confondement" that AOR spoke so much about and that was the practical result of his teaching. One day AOR says : ISHA and I are ISIS and OSIRIS. When AOR died, the life of ISHA stopped. She had devoted her life to the Master, his teaching and the radiance of his thought.
Her land journey was coming to end and she knew she would not survive long. She spent her days classifying documents … She wanted to leave a limpid work, as if she were preparing the way for those who would come later to draw on Master's teaching. Like ANUBIS, called "the Opener of the Way", she prepared the road for future generations, because she knew that the thought of AOR would one day be recognized at its true value.
At the last moment of his earthly life ISHA SCHWALLER of LUBICZ wrote the book : AOR R. A. SCHWALLER DE LUBICZ His life - His work (Editions du Vieux Colombier La Colombe 1963) "… I had the privilege of being trained by him in this bright consciousness and that while being aware of my physical body. Therefore, I, ISHA, can say : I know, I have seen, I am certain that for the man inhabited by his immortal soul, death is the birth to the radiant Life, with the deliverance of his physical opacity. It's the unveiling of the Real … And nothing can more erase the vision of Light Master who found strength to communicate his Joy. " Look, ISHA : like me, you can see the Real ! ... And you see that it is impossible to describe ... impossible to explain! ... But I make you live so that you can affirm it and to lead those who will dare to accept to leave everything to get the communion of this Real ... AOR left for the "Far Horizon" on December 7, 1961 Behold, I have obeyed the necessity of transmitting the last message of the disembodied Master, and to give by this story the testimony of his Mastery and his finest teaching. But beyond words, his presence remains and his call will awaken the heart of the future Men ".
ISHA left for the "Far Horizon" on December 24, 1962