Alexandre Varille, as a resident at the Institute of Oriental Archeology in Cairo, landed on the country of Pharaohs, prepared by the experience of which Victor Loret had lavished teachings. He entered the practical phase of a career that would be fertile; it began with the necropolis of Zaouyet-el-Mayetin, in Middle Egypt, then Deir-el-Medineh with the Egyptologist Bernard Bruyère who had reopened since 1925 the site of the village artisans of the tombs of the Pharaohs "La Place of Truth ".
The yards of Alexandre Varille could have been cited as models. Nothing
escaped his observation : every object, epigraphic fragment or architectural element was photographed, described, classified ; his presence, his situation, his role were carefully noted. These results were not free. They demanded extensive knowledge; so he had pushed his own in some areas seeming far removed from Egyptology such as medicine, natural history, botany, astronomy ...
He had deviated from a specialization which, by limiting him, did not would not have allowed him an overview so necessary to the understanding of this distant civilization. This labor, uninterrupted since the Faculty of Lyon, had made him acquire an erudition that he did not display but that he willingly put at the service of his colleagues. His love of ancient Egypt was something other than the search for intellectual pleasure, a lucrative task, or an official position; he loved it for its grandeur, its mystery and for its beauty which he admired, understood, discovering in these monuments, these statues, these frescoes, a simmering spiritual life ...
Alexandre Varille had found many disturbing details which were not the result of chance or facility, reproducing themselves in analogous circumstances, implying a spiritual meaning. He was before the mystery of a little-known civilization contemplated from without ; it was soon necessary to raise a corner of the "shroud of purple where sleep the dead". His conception of the Pharaonic world changed, abandoning the materialistic and rational academic doctrine for a higher, more philosophical notion; he continued his
works with a new vision that brought him valuable results, the explanation of enigmatic figurations, the solution of obscure problems.
This new vision was due to his meeting with Luxor Group.

The author of the "Temple of Man" wrote in 1957, in the preface to his book: (...) Finally : I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for our great friend Alexandre Varille, whom I must have been quickly introduced into current state of acquisitions and documentation accumulated by classical Egyptology. His erudition, and his particular knowledge of Amenhotep, I was so much more valuable that, as early as 1942, Alexandre Varille, conquered by the symbolist doctrine, became our daily collaborator. "
Isha Schwaller de Lubicz writes both in the preface of the first edition of Her-Bak Pois-Chiche (Paris, 1955): "I want here to pay tribute to our dear collaborator, Alexandre Varille ... his very sure criticism, backed by an undisputed Egyptological erudition, had tirelessly controlled the accuracy of my assertions on the Egyptian Temple Teaching. His thought will always be associated with the new flowering of the work undertaken by Luxor Group ".

He came to Paris to present his symbolic thesis which was declined. On his way back, his terrestrial route stopped in a tree on the edge of the road near Joigny. This thesis: "Inscriptions concerning the Architect AMENHOTEP SON OF HAPU" was published by François Daumas, director of IFAO - Cairo 1968.
Without doubt, Alexandre Varille was on the way that could probably have solved the enigma of the Egyptian world's conception. His disappearance must not interrupt this path, where he advanced with firm firmness; others will follow in his footsteps to the Light.
Alexandre Varille left for « the Far Horizon » on the 1st of Novembre 1951.
Here is a moving letter from Lucie Lamy to Renée Foatelli "Amma" on November 29, 1951. " My dear Sister, We thank you for your letter which has touched us in the heart (…) We are all in sorrow for the accidental death of our beloved Alexander, we fail to recover from this hardship. He shared with us so many joys and so many sorrows, being of all the fights. He crossed our lives with his patrician elegance and his humor that we can not forget.
Why was his presence torn off so early ? Who will come now to give us courage and energy because of the blows received? Who will come to enlighten the most obscure texts with his flashes? We are losing a son, a brother, a friend who has been faithful to the end. "But he who persevereth unto the end shall be saved," says Christ. Alexandre is one of those! All our friends cry and I know that Charles (Kuentz) is the first to regret the quarrel that had separated them lately.
Alexander was affected by the rejection of the Institute, and this rejection is the consequence of the odious cabal who uttered its strident cries, because he had the impudence and most probably the imprudence to be of ours. His condemnation is our condemnation, but the future will justify it on the Place of Truth.
AOR would like a beautiful ceremony to be celebrated in memoriam. Notify us of the date chosen so that we can join the Egrégore ".
Alexandre Varille had asked AOR to write a summary of his work "The Temple of Man" to argue in front of his peers when he will present his thesis: "Inscriptions concerning the Architect AMENHOTEP SON OF HAPU". This letter never reached Aor. This synthesis would have been a model of Master-to-Disciple teaching as seen in ISHA's works for an eager and knowledgeable audience that was true to the hermetic adage: "Let him see and let him meditate !"
[...] So the star of your life has led you to the Pharaohs, like many others. Like the others you could have been blind, but you understand this huge thing, unbelievable is that these are god-men when we know, we see, we read, how everything for them here down is only symbol of Cosmic Knowledge. And by saying that, I am far from those diggers of secrets of the Pyramids. What I say here has nothing to do with an arithmetic science, however complete it may be. They have all forgotten or ignored that the pharaonic Masters were Philosophers, and that behind the Pharaoh was hiding, originally and often, the Adept, the Master of the Philosophers. Heaven, Earth, Water and Air are only current, transitory symbols. Man is a symbol, his loves and hates, his struggles, his everyday life, every tool of his work, his death, everything is symbol. The Idea, the Same, the Invariable alone is Reality. The resurrected White and immortal, he alone is true ...
[...] He comes to the Light who is destined, the blind man who gets lost and burns himself there, the seer who becomes Light in her ... What does it matter? The unique Origin is perfect, the desired End of Origin is perfect. Let us know how to see the imperfect world and deny it, that is our morality.
The ideal must die, the hard truth must live, it is made of cruel denials ... The tool must serve and not become the Master. Thus only will the Divine Man live when he has been able to relegate the animal man backwards. This is the strategy of our fight to lead ...
[...] Do not believe that you can understand the framework of Divine Science without giving yourself without reserve. And your gift belongs to your brothers and not to the source where you coming from. He, the Unseen, does not care about your gift, He leaves you or takes you as He wants. You, by becoming Light, it is Him who becomes, giving you, it is Him who gives himself to Himself. This is how He reveals Himself. There is always a split at the Origin of the manifestation of Light. To give oneself is to fight oneself: to separate the pure from the impure, the Self from the Self. So is the Light ...​