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Aor Schwaller de Lubicz December 30, 1887 - December 7, 1961


Artist, Chemist, Mathematician and Egyptologist, René Schwaller was a true humanist, practicing Hermeticism, Symbolism and Alchemy.  Deeply Pythagorean, he joined in 1913 Theosophy and Freemasonry. In 1919, he created the Group of the Watchers, which was the outer circle of a secret Order named the Mystical Order of the Resurrection. Schwaller was to acquire two other names during his life : the chivalric title "Lubicz" given by his friend Oscar Milocz de Lubicz and the nomen mysticum "Aor", received in a spiritual experience. 

In 1922 he moves to Switzerland and creates Suhalia, conceived as an initiatic laboratory. In 1936, his affinities drew him to Egypt, where he heard a call : that of finding the lost pharaonic sources. He would remain in Luxor for the next fifteen years, studying with his collaborators the symbolic architecture of the Temple, which will provide him with all the necessary material to compose his magisterial synthesis : "Le Temple de l'homme".

Because of the political instability in Egypt, he returned to France in 1951, retiring to Mas de Coucagno where he wrote many books including : "Verbe Nature", "Propos sur ésotérisme et symbole ", "Le roi de la théocratie pharaonique". He left for "The Far Horizon" in 1961 (he died), leaving to Isha and Lucie the legacy of his thought and his work. READ MORE


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